Established in 2018, The Sekolah Bola has gained tremendous achievements that keep on accumulating till the present day.
Within its first inception and year 2019, The Sekolah Bola has been accredited by Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) with FAM Suparimau id number FAMSRA-000001 and successfully trademarked by MyIPO.
A dedicated module about football was exclusively developed by The Sekolah Bola and endorsed by Ministry of Education, Malaysia. On top of that, MyKasih has been a collaborator in various activities engaged by The Sekolah Bola.
The best moment was when The Sekolah Bola visited the local renowned football club, JDT and had a friendly match which was a rare opportunity. In addition, a football clinic and club had been organised with the involvement of FAM and Kaki Jersi.

The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 did not stop The Sekolah Bola from being accredited as members of the renowned FAM Grassroots and Suparimau.
The premium logo of The Sekolah Bola has received IPO trademark where it has become a milestone in its history.
To add to its tremendous achievements in 2020, The Sekolah Bola or MY Edusoccer registered for a Teraju SUPERB (Skim Ushawan Permulaan Bumiputra) programme and was awarded as a grant winner RM500,000 under the commercialization category for it to move on even more further and become more outstanding. Despite the challenges of the pandemic,
The Sekolah Bola managed to successfully secure collaborations with many established brands and companies. The support from these collaborators has pushed The Sekolah Bola to become more determined and persevered to be the best in its circle. The collaborators are Brainy Bunch Football Academy, Yakult, Tigre Football, WR, PandaiBola which had ventured in 2020.
The recent collaborators in 2022 are Student QR, Unisza, Sunz, Voltra, Mranti and Selangor Footbal Association, to name a few.
One of the best achievements in 2022 is when The Dons Trust Owners of AFC Wimbledon becomes a part-owner of The Sekolah Bola.
Using PandaiBola as its tagline, its motto of executing demonstrations in real environment has indeed becoming the talk of the town.
The future of The Sekolah Bola is going to be even brighter and more rewarding with the involvement of potential collaborators that will definitely enhance the quality and motivation of The Sekolah Bola in years to come.
Currently The Sekolah Bola and PandaiBola which wholly owned by MY Edusoccer Sdn Bhd are working in developing PandaiBola app which expected to be launched in October 2022 while the team members are also working on road to across primary school at each state in Malaysia developing “Norm” for 5 fitness and physical test to indentify talent at the same time developing a database of grassroots players throughout a brand new signature program called PandaiBola Sports Science Carnival.